Friday 16 August 2013

Freezer clean up - French toast

We are slowly gearing up to move to our new house that is being built right behind us. It is awesome to see it go up, but I truly believe it is torture to have to wait. I was looking for things I can do to make the move easier without packing everything RIGHT NOW (like I want to). So the freezer became the outlet to my frustration. 

When I was done organizing I realized we have waaay too much bread. I think part of it is that I stopped eating most bread products except for light bread so that meant my husband was left to eat all the regular bread,English muffins, wraps, etc. and there are only so many carbs one man can eat! As I was trying to think of ways to use it up other than sandwiches, I remembered the first meal I ever made my husband when we were dating: French Toast! This time though, I made sure to cook it all the way through :P 

Simply Filling French Toast 
Serves 2 

3 eggs 
Splash of fat free milk 
1 tsp vanilla 
1 tsp cinnamon 
6-8 pieces of light bread 
(I used 3 regular slices for hubby, 3 light for me) 

Mix everything except bread in a bowl with a whisk. 

Coat both sides of each slice of bread with the mixture and cook on medium heat. 

Brown both sides. Serve with powdered sugar or syrup (add points for these) and fruit. 

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