Wednesday 28 August 2013

Summer's end - Lemon basil quinoa salad

As summer comes to an end it gives me a chance to start over with the school year. My husband and I are both teachers (I'm off on mat leave currently) so September has always been a time for us to recharge our lifestyles and leave the gluttony of the summer behind. With school comes structure, so I will use this time of year to get into my own routine at home. 

This week I decided to do simply filling on some days and count points plus on others. I love the flexibility of weight watchers! Today is a simply filling day so I looked through my Pinterest board and found this recipe:

I petty much followed the recipe to a T so I won't copy and paste it. I didn't have a can of chickpeas/garbanzo beans so i just used a bean medley I had in my cupboard and it worked fine. I used dried basil but I can see how fresh would be way better. In my next life I will have a herb garden haha. I divided the recipe into 3 generous portions so that it would include 2 tsp oil (1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons, so the recipe contains 6 teaspoons). 

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