Saturday 6 July 2013

Rainy day - black bean salad

We woke up to a rainy morning, that turned into a rainy day. My daughter and I have done lots of  cuddling on the couch today, enjoying the excuse to relax before our baptism tomorrow. My husband (formerly a professional cook before becoming a teacher) is planning the menu for our BBQ tomorrow, so we will be having a trial run of some of his food tonight (I'll save those recipes for tomorrow). For lunch I had a bit of time to fiddle while my hubby and daughter were napping, so I decided to try out a recipe passed on to me by my cousin and his wife-to-be. I made it as written, except was too lazy to run out in the rain to the garden to get green onions, so I omitted those. I should have used some red onion, but I was already eating it when I realized this. I put half of the recipe on top of some lettuce and added some leftover corn I cut off the cob (I think I'd add the corn to the recipe, as it was a great addition!). All free on Simply Filling (depending on your oil intake of course! It was a great light lunch and I have saved the other half for another day! 

* note: since I'm nursing, I am allowed 3 tsp of oil among other healthy guidelines that are different.

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