Saturday 6 July 2013

Second day on Simply Filling - corn on the cob

Second day of simply filling and I'm feeling great! My husband and I had running around to do in the city, so we ended up having to stop for lunch in the city, thus my entry from Tim Horton's. Of course it wasn't enough to keep me full, and thus the entry of my leftovers.

When we got home from the city and I had my "second lunch" neither of us were very inspired to make supper. All hubby would contribute was that he didn't want fish like I had planned (more on my meal planning in a later post). Usually we build our meal around our meat, but tonight we started with corn on the cob that needed to be eaten, then I added roasted carrots with roasted red pepper and garlic seasoning (our favorite). I also had chicken defrosted in the fridge, so that seemed like a logical choice to have as a "go with anything" type of protein. I grilled it in a frying pan with a bit of lemon pepper seasoning and Epicure's Lemon Dilly Dip Mix. I drizzled oil instead of  butter on my corn, which  was ok... But next time I think I will just do plain. 


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